Course Outcomes
October 1, 2023 2023-10-01 7:12Course Outcomes
Computer Science & Engineering

Course Outcomes
Batch: 2018-2022
Year & Sem : B.Tech I – I Sem
Course name: MATHEMATICS – I Course Code: MA101BS
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Simplify the system of linear equations using rank of the matrices. |
CO2 | Classify characteristic equation ,characteristic roots in the applicability Of cayley hamilition theorem to find inverse of matrix |
CO3 | Apply the appropriate test to find the convergence and divergence of the given series. |
CO4 | Identify the policy of some special function like beta ,gamma function which is helpful to evaluate some definite integrals |
CO5 | Simplify problems of differentiation functions of two variables and know about the maximization of functions of several variables. |
Course name: CHEMISTRYCourse Code: CH102BS
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Acquire the knowledge of Molecular orbital theory in solids (eg. Conductors) and in crystals. |
CO2 | Interpret various water treatment methods for domestic and industrial purposes. |
CO3 | Apply the principles of electrochemistry in batteries; extrapolate the importance of electrochemistry in corrosion. |
CO4 | Understand the importance of stereochemistry & chemical reactions involved in organic synthesis. |
CO5 | Recognize the principles and applications of spectroscopy. |
Course Code: EE103ES
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Analyze and solve problems of electrical circuits using network laws |
CO2 | Analyze and solve problems of electrical circuits using network theorems. |
CO3 | Analyze the working principles of Transformer. |
CO4 | Analyze the working principles of Electrical Machines |
CO5 | Explain components of Low Voltage Electrical Installations. |
Course Code: ME104ES
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understanding the tools and methods of using to fabricate engineering components. |
CO2 | Evaluating various methods and trades of workshop in the component building. |
CO3 | Practice on manufacturing of components using workshop trades including fitting, carpentry, foundry, house wiring, black smithy, tin smithy, soldering and welding. |
CO4 | Apply suitable tools for different trades of Engineering processes including material removing, measuring, chiseling. |
CO5 | Apply basic electrical engineering knowledge for house wiring practice. |
Course name: ENGLISH
Course Code: EN105HS
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand the importance of grammar and vocabulary to attain fluency in English Language |
CO2 | Recognize the significance of reading skills |
CO3 | Attine and enhance competency in writing various formats of letters. |
CO4 | Apply the knowledge of Tenses in to their life time situations |
CO5 | Knowledge about Foreign Languages and Their Influence on English |
Course Code: CH106BS
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Interpret the data for analysis of water constituents. |
CO2 | Able to gain knowledge on instrumental techniques. |
CO3 | Synthesize advanced polymers materials. |
CO4 | Identify the strength of compounds using titrimetric methods. |
CO5 | Analyze the percentage of constituents in compounds (eg. Ores). |
Course Code: EN107HS
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand the process of listening and its importance to communicate the people effectively. |
CO2 | Acquire knowledge in Phonetics and try to speak appropriately and coherently. |
CO3 | Develop the ability to express themselves in group and individual activities. |
CO4 | Recognize the terms of Accent, Stress and intonation in English Language. |
CO5 | Participate in JAM,SEMINARS ,PPT and GD to generate new ideas |
Course Code: EE108ES
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Analyze and solve problems of electrical circuits using network laws |
CO2 | Demonstrate the response of different types of electrical circuits to different excitations |
CO3 | Analyze the working principles of Transformer. |
CO4 | Identify the measurement, calculation and relation between the basic electrical parameters. |
CO5 | Analyze the working principles of Electrical Machines |
Year & Sem : B.Tech I – II Sem
Course name: MATHEMATICS -II
Course Code: MA201BS
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Construct mathematical model of ordinary differential equation and its applications. |
CO2 | Solve mathematical of second order differential equations and different type of methods and apply the real world problems. |
CO3 | Find areas, volumes, moment of inertia etc of regions on a plane or in space. |
CO4 | Discuss the physical quantities involved in engineering field related to the vector valued functions. |
CO5 | Analyze the basic properties of vector valued functions and their applications. |
Course Code: AP202BS
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand the dual nature of the matter |
CO2 | Build understand the characteristics of semiconductors |
CO3 | Distinguish between photo sensors and emitters |
CO4 | Construct the lasers and fiber optics |
CO5 | Summarize electromagnetic theory by using dielectric and magnetic materials |
Course Code: CS203ES
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Construct algorithms, flow charts for solving problems, Understand the basic semantics of c Programming. |
CO2 | Apply the concept of arrays, strings, pointers, structures, unions to develop C programs |
CO3 | Develop applications using file Management to read write data from files |
CO4 | Develop a problem into functions for modular reusable code |
CO5 | Apply searching and sorting techniques |
Course Code: ME204ES
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Know and understand the conventions and the methods of engineering drawing |
CO2 | Interpret engineering drawings using fundamental technical mathematics |
CO3 | Analyze and draw the orthographic projections of solids and the true shape of section. |
CO4 | Construct the basic geometry and comprehend the theory of projection |
CO5 | Improve their visualization skills so that they can apply these skills in developing new drawings |
Course Code: AP205BS
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Identification of planks constant |
CO2 | Determination of V-I characteristics of different types of semiconducting devices |
CO3 | Comparison LCR and CR circuit application in present technology. |
CO4 | illustration of losses in optical fibers |
CO5 | Identification of induction at several points on the axis of circular coil carrying current using Stewart and Gee’s. |
Course Code: CS206ES
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Design the programs to solve scientific and mathematical, Control structured problems |
CO2 | Develop programs using arrays, pointers |
CO3 | Design the programs using file handling functions |
CO4 | Develop the programs using functions |
CO5 | Design the programs for different searching and sorting techniques. |
Batch: 2018-2022
Year & Sem : B.Tech II – I Sem
Course Code: CS301ES
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand the characteristics of various components. |
CO2 | Understand the utilization of BJT components. |
CO3 | Design and analyze small signal amplifier circuits, and Digital gates |
CO4 | Learn Postulates of Boolean algebra and to minimize combinational functions. |
CO5 | Design and analyze about sequential circuits |
Course Code: CS302PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Analyze the operations of linear data structures like linked lists, stack, queue. |
CO2 | Understand the representations of dictionaries and Hash table. |
CO3 | Understand the operations of Various Search Trees. |
CO4 | Apply Various kinds of graph traversal methods and sorting Techniques. |
CO5 | Apply various pattern matching algorithms and tries. |
Course Code: MA303BS
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Build the concepts of probability and distributions to some case studies. |
CO2 | Develop Mathematical Expectation and Discrete Probability Distributions. |
CO3 | Apply Continuous Normal Distribution and Fundamental Sampling Distributions. |
CO4 | Analyze Testing hypothesis of Sample Mean and Sample Proportion. |
CO5 | Examine the concept of Stochastic Processes and Markov Chains. |
Course Code: CS304PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Demonstrate an understanding of the design of Different functional units in a digital computer system |
CO2 | Construct the control unit and Explain the instruction set, instruction formats & Addressing modes of CPU |
CO3 | Discuss the computer arithmetic and design algorithms for various Arithmetic operations |
CO4 | Designing and constructing a computer processor including memory with different modes of transfer |
CO5 | Learn the concepts of parallel processing, pipelining and inter processor communication. |
Course Code: CS305PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understanding Object Oriented Programming concepts. |
CO2 | Apply the object-oriented programming paradigm, focusing on the definition and use of classes along with the fundamentals of object-oriented design. |
CO3 | Apply inheritance, virtual functions, polymorphism in C++ |
CO4 | Understanding I/O streams, File handling in C++ |
CO5 | Apply Exception handling in C++ programming |
Course Code: CS306E
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Know the characteristics of various components |
CO2 | Understand the utilization of components. |
CO3 | Design and analyze small signal amplifier circuits. |
CO4 | Understand Boolean algebra to minimize combinational functions |
CO5 | Design and analyze combinational and sequential circuits |
Course Code: CS307PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Develop the programs on single, double and circular linked lists. |
CO2 | Develop the programs on stack & queue using arrays and pointers. |
CO3 | Implement the programs on tree traversal methods. |
CO4 | Implement the programs on various sorting and searching techniques. |
CO5 | Implement the programs on graph traversal methods. |
Course name: IT WORKSHOP LAB
Course Code: CS308PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Apply knowledge for assembly/disassembly of computer parts. |
CO2 | Apply knowledge for software installation and solve trouble shooting problems |
CO3 | Understand Surfing, Search engine, netiquette and cyber hygiene |
CO4 | Apply the tools for preparation of PPT, Documentation and budget sheet |
CO5 | Understand to effective use of internet and World Wide Web |
Course name: C++ PROGRAMMING LAB
Course Code: CS309PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Develop object oriented programs such as objects, class, abstraction and message passing. |
CO2 | Apply constructors, destructors, friend functions, in C++ programs. |
CO3 | Apply Inheritance, overloading and method overriding in C++ programming |
CO4 | Apply I/O operation to handle file system. |
CO5 | Create C++ programs to handle exceptions in programming |
Batch: 2018-2022
Year & Sem : B. Tech II – II Sem
Course name: Discrete Mathematics
Course Code: CS401PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand and construct precise mathematical proofs |
CO2 | Use logic and set theory to formulate precise statements |
CO3 | Analyze and solve counting problems on finite and discrete structures |
CO4 | Understand and manipulate sequences |
CO5 | Apply graph theory in solving computing problems |
Course name: Business Economics & Financial Analysis
Course Code: SM402MS
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Able to understand the various forms of Business |
CO2 | Understand the elasticity of the demand of the product, different types, measurement of elasticity of demand, Supply, Demand forecasting. |
CO3 | Recognize the Production function, features of Iso-Quants and Iso-Costs, law of returns |
CO4 | Able to study the firm’s financial position by analyzing the Financial statements of a company |
CO5 | Evaluate different types of financial ratios for knowing liquidity and profitability positions of business concern. |
Course name: Operating Systems
Course Code: CS403PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand the significance of operating system in computing Devices. |
CO2 | Analyze processes and CPU scheduling algorithms. |
CO3 | Analyze the concepts of deadlock, Process Management and Synchronization and IPC mechanisms. |
CO4 | Understand the concepts of memory management and virtual memory. |
CO5 | Apply various file access and allocation methods. |
Course name: Database Management SystemsCourse Code: CS404PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand the basic concept of Database Management System, also data models to design a database |
CO2 | Analyze the basics of SQL to construct queries using SQL, Relational Algebra and Calculus. |
CO3 | Understanding concept of functional dependencies to improve the schemas using normal forms. |
CO4 | Analyze the concept of Transaction Processing, concurrency control, recovery techniques. |
CO5 | Apply indexing mechanisms for efficient retrieval of information from a database. |
Course Code: CS405PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understanding real world problems using OOP techniques with java Programing Basics |
CO2 | To understand the API for applying input/output operations using java Programing |
CO3 | Implementing the concepts of Exception handling mechanisms, including threadbased multitasking with synchronization |
CO4 | Identify the usage of data Structures by using collection framework with Java Programing |
CO5 | To build experience of designing, implementing by graphical user interfaces in Java using applet and AWT that respond to different user events |
Course name: Operating Systems Lab
Course Code: CS406PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Develop application programs using system calls in Unix. |
CO2 | Apply the various CPU scheduling algorithms. |
CO3 | Apply deadlock avoidance and detection algorithms. |
CO4 | Analyze the performance of the various page replacement algorithms |
CO5 | Apply various I/O system calls of UNIX/LINUX operating systems. |
Course Code: CS407PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Apply conceptual models of a database using ER model for real life applications. |
CO2 | Identify Relational models for a given application using schema definition and constraints |
CO3 | Apply concepts of normalization to achieve schema refinement for a given database |
CO4 | Ability to build queries in SQL to retrieve any type of information from a data base. |
CO5 | Make use of triggers, Procedures, Cursors |
Course name: Java Programming Lab
Course Code: CS408PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Create programs for solving real world problems using java collection framework. |
CO2 | Develop programs using abstract classes |
CO3 | Develop multithreaded programs |
CO4 | create GUI programs using Applet and AWT concepts in Java |
CO5 | Develop Data Structures Programs like sorting, searching techniques in java |
Batch: 2018-2022
Year & Sem: B.Tech III – I Sem
Course name: Formal Languages & Automata Theory
Course Code: CS501PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand the basic concepts of automata theory, deterministic, nondeterministic machines |
CO2 | Illustrate various concepts in finite automata and regular expressions |
CO3 | Demonstrate the design of Context Free Grammar and explain the Push Down Automaton model for the Context Free language |
CO4 | Apply Turing Machine concept to solve the mathematical computations |
CO5 | Categorize a problem with respect to various models of Computation, decidability, undecidability problems |
Course name: Software Engineering
Course Code: CS502PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand role of software, framework and different Process models |
CO2 | Identify different requirement documents and develop Requirement documents |
CO3 | Understand Design engineering and build architectures |
CO4 | Applying testing principles on software project and understand the maintenance concepts |
CO5 | Identify risks, manage the change to assure quality in software projects |
Course name: Computer Networks
Course Code: CS503PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Gain the knowledge of the basic computer network technology and the functions of each layer in the OSI and TCP/IP reference model. |
CO2 | Identify the functionalities and different protocols of Data Link Layer. |
CO3 | Obtain the Skills of subnetting and routing mechanisms. |
CO4 | Identify the concepts of UDP, TCP, and Qos in transport layer. |
CO5 | Familiarity with the essential protocols of computer networks, and how they can be applied in network design and implementation. |
Course name: Web Technologies
Course Code: CS504PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Implementing the methods to read data from web pages by server-side scripting with PHP Language |
CO2 | Understand what is XML and how to parse and use XML Data with Java |
CO3 | Introduce Server side programming with Java Servlets and Database connection with JDBC |
CO4 | Introduce Server side programming with Java Server Pages (JSP) |
CO5 | Gain knowledge of client-side scripting, validation of forms by Java Script Programming Language |
Course Code: CS513PE
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand Various Data Sources and Data Architecture. |
CO2 | Analyze the importance of Analytics in Business Perspective. |
CO3 | Applying Regression Methods and Analytical Applications to Various Business Domains. |
CO4 | Analyze Prediction Business Capabilities using Time series/Forecasting methods and Extract features |
CO5 | Applying Different Techniques for Data Visualization. |
Course Code: CS523PE
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Apply IR principles to locate relevant information in large collection of data. |
CO2 | Analyze the various indexing process & data structures for maintain the data |
CO3 | Develop different document clustering algorithms. |
CO4 | Understand the retrieval systems for web search techniques & information visualization. |
CO5 | Develop and design text Search algorithms and multimedia information retrieval. |
Course name: Software Engineering Lab
Course Code: CS505PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand Software Engineering Process life cycle. |
CO2 | Analyze specific software requirements. |
CO3 | Formulate a specification into a design. |
CO4 | Build SRS documents: Realize design practically, using an appropriate software engineering. |
CO5 | Develop prototype model for a given case study using modern engineering tools. |
Course name: Computer Networks & Web Technologies Lab
Course Code: CS506PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Demonstrate appropriate algorithm for finding of shortest route. |
CO2 | Create routing table using various algorithms. |
CO3 | Develop Server-Side Scripting Programs by using PHP Programing Language |
CO4 | Develop Client-side Programs by using HTML and Validation by Java Script Programming Languages |
CO5 | Develop server side Programs by using Servlets, JSP with Tomcat Server and Connecting Database with JDBC |
Course name: Advanced Communication Skills LabCourse Code: EN508HS
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Acquire knowledge in building vocabulary and use it to speak effectively and comprehensively. |
CO2 | Understand and enhance their proficiency in Reading. |
CO3 | Apply relevant formats of writing paragraph, e-mail and letter writing, resume and report writing |
CO4 | Plan their ideas to give oral presentations like seminars, ppt. |
CO5 | Generate new ideas in Group Discussion. |
Batch: 2018-2022
Year & Sem : B.Tech III – II Sem
Course name: Machine Learning
Course Code: CS601PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand the concepts of computational intelligence like machine learning |
CO2 | Ability to get the skill to apply machine learning techniques to address the real time problems in different areas |
CO3 | Understand the Neural Networks and its usage in machine learning application. |
CO4 | Demonstrate proficiency in applying scientific method to models of machine learning and discuss the basics of ANN and different optimizations techniques |
CO5 | Design and implement machine learning solutions to classification, regression and clustering problems. |
Course name: Compiler Design
Course Code: CS602PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Illustrate different phases of compiler |
CO2 | Understand various parsing techniques, Construct algorithm for parser |
CO3 | Build intermediate code, Design syntax directed translation schemes |
CO4 | Illustrate various storage allocation strategies Understand simple code generator |
CO5 | Apply the principal sources of optimization to generate target code |
Course name: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Course Code: CS603PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Analyze time complexity, space complexity to divide large complex problem. |
CO2 | Able to explain the algorithm design with backtracking. |
CO3 | Apply the Dynamic programming method on the graphs for getting optimal path. |
CO4 | Apply different designing methods development of algorithms using greedy method |
CO5 | Apply Branch and Bound method on the problems. Illustrate NP-HARD and NP-COMPLETE problems. |
Course name: Software Testing Methodologies
Course Code: CS615PE
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Able to identify the various bugs and correcting them after knowing the consequences of the bug. |
CO2 | Understand domain testing. |
CO3 | Construct decision tables for Logic Based Testing. |
CO4 | Understand State graphs & Transition testing. |
CO5 | Implement node reduction algorithm. |
Course Code: EC600OE
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand the basics about IoT and protocols in sensor networks |
CO2 | Can Apply the knowledge for programming and configure Arduino boards for various designs. |
CO3 | Analyze the concept of Python programming and interfacing for Raspberry Pi |
CO4 | Can explain about SDN and Data handling and Analytics in IoT. |
CO5 | Understand the concept of cloud computing and case studies in IoT |
Course name: Machine Learning Lab
Course Code: CS604PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand complexity of Machine Learning algorithms and their limitations. |
CO2 | Understand modern notions in data analysis-oriented computing. |
CO3 | Apply common Machine Learning algorithms in practice and implementing their own. |
CO4 | Be Capable of performing experiments in Machine Learning using real-world data. |
CO5 | Understand mathematical relationships within and across Machine Learning algorithms and the paradigms of supervised and un-supervised learning. |
Course name: Compiler Design Lab
Course Code: CS605PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Identify the working of LEX compiler |
CO2 | Construct predictive parser |
CO3 | Identify the working of YACC compiler |
CO4 | Construct parse tree and generate machine code |
CO5 | Apply code optimization techniques to generate machine code. |
Course Code: CS625PE
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand the Software Testing Methods |
CO2 | Develop skills in software test automation. |
CO3 | Know the Basic Techniques for deriving Test cases |
CO4 | Gain Knowledge in comparing the various test strategies |
CO5 | Design and Develop the best Strategies in accordance to the development Model |
Batch: 2018-2022
Year & Sem : B. Tech IV – I Sem
Course name: : Cryptography & Network Security
Course Code: CS701PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Analyze the security concepts, cryptography concepts and techniques. |
CO2 | Understand the basic cryptographic algorithms. |
CO3 | Apply the cryptography hash functions, key management and distribution. |
CO4 | Analyze the transport level security and wireless security. |
CO5 | Understand the email security and case studies on cryptography and security. |
Course name: Data Mining
Course Code: CS702PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Apply preprocessing methods on raw data |
CO2 | Extract patterns from large amount of data |
CO3 | Apply classification methods on large amount of data |
CO4 | Apply cluster analysis to build various applications |
CO5 | Evaluate the accuracy of supervised and unsupervised models and algorithms |
Course name: Cloud Computing
Course Code: CS714PE
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Explain and examine various computing paradigms |
CO2 | Define cloud computing and explain fundamental concepts of cloud. |
CO3 | Ability to describe cloud architecture, deployment and management |
CO4 | Analyze the basics of cloud computing stack and cloud service models |
CO5 | Understand and Identify various cloud service providers, their services and tools |
Course name: Software Process & Project Management
Course Code: CS725PE
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand role of software process maturity framework and different reference models |
CO2 | Give knowledge of software economics, phases in the life cycle of software development. |
CO3 | Analyze the major and minor milestones, artifacts and metrics from management and technical perspective. |
CO4 | Design and develop project organization and project control instrumentation. |
CO5 | Apply CCPDS-R case study and design modern project profile and economics |
Course Code: EC700OE
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Learn about sensor Principle, Classification and Characterization. |
CO2 | Explore the working of Electromechanical, Thermal, Magnetic, radiation and Electro analytic sensors. |
CO3 | Develop to design real time instrumentation system. |
CO4 | Design a system with sensors. |
CO5 | Understand the basic concepts of smart sensors. |
Course name: Cryptography & Network Security Lab
Course Code: CS703PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Apply C language principles to perform simple XOR operation for encryption of data. |
CO2 | Develop the C/JAVA programs to implement cryptographic algorithms. |
CO3 | Develop their own keys to implement cryptographic algorithm logic. |
CO4 | Illustrate the Diffie-Hellman Key exchange mechanism |
CO5 | Calculate the message digest of text using different algorithms. |
Course name: Industrial Oriented Mini Project/ Summer Internship
Course Code: CS704PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Demonstrate sound technical knowledge & Domain knowledge of the selected topic & Understand programming language concepts, |
CO2 | Plan, communicate, analyze identify the Problem for the proposed work and collect |
CO3 | Design the Solution and execute by using engineering approach to overcome the complex problems |
CO4 | Learn to work as a team and to focus on getting a working project done on time with each student |
CO5 | Discuss about and go through the software development cycle with emphasis on different processes like – requirements, design, and implementation phases. |
Course name Seminar
Course Code: CS705PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Recall existing technologies in the area of computer science |
CO2 | Describe, compare and evaluate different technologies |
CO3 | Decide the area of interest |
CO4 | Develop their communication skills |
CO5 | Write technical reports. |
Course name Project Stage – I
Course Code: CS706PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand programming language concepts, along with object oriented concepts as well as software engineering principles or over the field and develop an ability to apply them to software design |
CO2 | Plan, analyze, design a software project and demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in speech and writing |
CO3 | Introduce with major software engineering topics and position them to lead medium sized software projects in industry or propose any new model over the selected field |
CO4 | Formulate and go through the software development cycle with emphasis on different processes – requirements, design, and implementation phases. |
CO5 | Attain confidence at having conceptualized, designed, and implemented a working, medium sized project with their team. |
Year & Sem : B.Tech IV – II Sem
Course Code: SM801MS
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand, analyze and Communicate Global, economic, legal and Ethical aspects of Organizational Behaviour. |
CO2 | Study the Personality and Attitudes of Employees in Organizations. |
CO3 | Evaluate different types of Communications in Organizations. |
CO4 | Recognize the Powers and Politics, Types of Power. |
CO5 | Analyze the Conceptual Framework and the leader ship theories Underlying Organizational Behaviour. |
Course Code: CS812PE
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand the concepts of Distributed system and its System models, Distributed object and remote invocation |
CO2 | Understand operating system support in Distributed systems and various types of Distributed file systems |
CO3 | Illustrates about time, global states and about its coordination Agreement |
CO4 | Demonstrates the concepts of distributed transaction concurrency control in distributed environment |
CO5 | Understand the concepts Fault tolerant services, Transactions with replicated data and Distributed shared memory |
Course Code: EE800OE
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand the basic operation of power generation of thermal power plants |
CO2 | Know the use of combined power cycle generation for gas and diesel power plants |
CO3 | Analyze the different nuclear reactor power plants in the world |
CO4 | Compare the differences of both renewable and nonrenewable energy sources |
CO5 | Solve the Economics of power generation for small ,medium and large scale industries |
Course name: Project Stage – II
Course Code: CS802PC
After completing this course, the student is able to | |
CO1 | Understand programming language concepts, along with object oriented concepts as well as software engineering principles or over the field and develop an ability to apply them to software design |
CO2 | Plan, analyze, design a software project and demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in speech and writing |
CO3 | Introduce with major software engineering topics and position them to lead medium sized software projects in industry or propose any new model over the selected field |
CO4 | Formulate and go through the software development cycle with emphasis on different processes – requirements, design, and implementation phases. |
CO5 | Attain confidence at having conceptualized, designed, and implemented a working, medium sized project with their team. |