September 30, 2023 2023-09-30 6:33Services
Central Library

Circulation Services:
Category of membership | No. of Books | Period of Loan |
Student s | 03 | 15 days |
Faculty Teaching | 10 | One Semester |
Non-Teaching Staff | 02 | 30 days |
- Give details in membership form available at Library circulation
- Hand over at circulation
- Keep 2 stamp size photographs
- Borrower’s Books (Pass Book) will be issued to issue/return the library books
- Books are issued and renewed at the circulation counter. Users are responsible for all the entries made in the borrower register. Borrowers should be present his/her identity card while borrowers/renewals.
- For renewal books must be brought to the circulation counter in the person. To avoid overdue charges (Re.1/- per day) books should be return before the due date mentioned on the date slip
- The reader should check the book thoroughly for missing pages, chapters, pictures etc, while borrowing the
- No book in the damage condition will be accepted from the reader
- mutilated or spoiled books will have to the replaced by the borrower.
- Once books issued can’t be returned back on the same
- Damage or loss of books must be reported immediately, for the rules for replacement of loss book kindly contact the circulation
- If any book damage or loss the concerned shall be liable to submit the latest edition of book
- Any tampering or removal of the barcode label will result in s fine of 10/-
Monday to Saturday– 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM Sundays & Holidays– No Issue
Reference books– Reference books issued for overnight, one hour before closing of the library on all days
Clipping Services: Important and relevant information published in dailies will be displayed on library notice board regularly and the same will be filed once in a month.
Question paper service: Previous years Question papers are available year and branch wise in print/soft copies and will be provided to users to take photocopies.
Project report service: One copy of Students projects of all previous years is maintained in library and providing for reference.
CD-Rom Service: Our CDs collection includes purchased CDs, CDs accompanied with purchased books and journals, some complementary CDs. CDs will provide to refer through library systems as well as issue to home.
Book Bank: We are having about 1672 books in SC/ST book bank scheme. SC/ST students are entitles to borrow 6 books from book bank in a semester.
Reference/referral services: We provide books to refer inside the library. One copy of all the titles has kept for reference. Apart from that we have good collection of reference books like Encyclopedia Britannica, dictionaries, Biography, Atlases thesaurus, some standard technical titles. Readers may approach the Reference Desk for information or any assistance in the use of the Library Collections and Services.
Photocopy and printing services: (Timings: 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM).
The Central Library offers photocopying service to all its members.
The copying charges are Re. 1.00 per both-sides