September 15, 2023 2023-09-15 6:25VISION,MISSION,PEO’s
Civil Engineering

Department Vision
To impart knowledge and excellence in Civil Engineering and technology with global
perspectives to our students and to make them ethically strong engineers to build our nation.
Department Vision
DM1: To produce Civil Engineers of high caliber, technical skills and ethical values to serve the
society and nation.
DM2: To make the department a centre of excellence in the field of civil engineering and allied
DM3: To provide knowledge base and consultancy services to the community in all areas of civil
DM4: To promote innovative and original thinking in the of budding engineers to face the challenges
of the future.
PEO 1: To produce students who can excel in civil engineering profession or higher education
by acquiring thorough knowledge in mathematical, computing and engineering concepts.
PEO 2: To produce students who can apply their knowledge and skills to real life problems
thereby not only rendering safe and economical structures against natural calamities but also
environmentally sustainable and useful to the society.
PEO 3: Mould and groom students to exhibit professional attitude, ethical behaviour, ability
to communicate effectively with everyone and adapt to the latest developments and trends by
engaging themselves in life-long learning.
PEO 4: Graduates will have awareness of contemporary professional issues and support the
engineering profession through participation in professional societies and/or educational