October 1, 2023 2023-10-01 7:29COURSE OUTCOMES

Course Name | Course Code | Course Outcomes |
MATHEMATI CS -I | After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to | |
C111.1 | Determine the rank of a matrix and solution of equations using matrix theory | |
C111.2 | Demonstrate the matrix theory of Eigen value Eigen vector problems | |
C111.3 | Utilize the tool of sequence and series for learning advanced Engineering Mathematics | |
C111.4 | Analyze the nature of sequence and series | |
C111.5 | Solve the applications on the mean value theorems and | |
C111.6 | Apply partial differentiation to function of several variables in solving various engineering problems | |
| After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to | |
C112.1 | Summarize the knowledge of atomic, molecular and electronic changes, band theory related to conductivity. | |
C112.2 | Apply the required principles and concepts in electro chemistry . | |
C112.3 | Classify the corrosion and in understanding the problem Of water and its treatment. | |
C112.4 | Use the spectroscope and application to medical and other fields.. | |
C112.5 | Determine the Structure, synthesis and pharmaceutical applications of paracetamol and aspirin. | |
C112.6 | Summarize principles of spectroscopy, selection rules and applications of electronic spectroscopy. | |
BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERIN G | After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to | |
C113.1 | Implement the basic knowledge of electrical quantities such as current, voltage, power, energy and frequency to understand the impact of technology in a global and societal context. | |
C113.2 | Demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts of analysis of simple AC circuits used in electrical circuits. | |
C113.3 | Discuss the basic concepts of transformers and their applications. | |
C113.4 | Demonstrate an understanding of selection skill to identify the type of |
| generators or motors required for particular application. |
C113.5 | Demonstrate an understanding of the MCB,S Types of wiring | |
C113.6 | Discuss the Important Characteristics for Batteries, Elementary calculations for energy consumption | |
ENGINEERIN G WORKSHOP | After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to | |
C114.1 | Experiment and practice on machine tools and their operations | |
C114.2 | Experiment on manufacturing of components using workshop trades including pluming, fitting, carpentry, foundry, house wiring and welding. | |
C114.3 | Identify and apply suitable tools for different trades of Engineering processes including drilling, material removing, measuring, chiseling | |
C114.4 | Characterize basic electrical engineering knowledge for house wiring practice. | |
C114.5 | Experiment and practical exposure to various welding and joining processes | |
C114.6 | Develop the construction, function, use and application of different working tools, | |
ENGLISH | After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to | |
C115.1 | Discuss the development in sharing information about family and friends | |
C115.2 | Implement general comprehending skills and present lucid skills in free writing | |
C115.3 | Understand the basic grammar techniques and utilize it in enhancing language development | |
C115.4 | Demonstrate an environment for reading and develop good language skills | |
C115.5 | Implement flair for any kind of writing with rich vocabulary and proper syntax | |
C115.6 | Implement proficiency in writing technical articles and presenting papers on any topic of any generation | |
CHEMISTRY LAB | After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to | |
C116.1 | Differentiate the total hardness of water sample. |
| C116.2 | Identify the Chloride content present in water sample. |
C116.3 | Estimation of rate constant of a reaction from concentration time relationship. | |
C116.4 | Identify the physical properties like adsorption | |
C116.5 | Identify the physical properties like viscosity. | |
C116.6 | Calculation of Rf values of some organic molecules by TLC technic. | |
ENGLISH LANGUNAGE COMMUNICA TION SKILLS LAB | After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to | |
C117.1 | Implement proper body language. | |
C117.2 | Recognize visual experience. | |
C117.3 | Examine neutralization of accent for intelligibility. | |
C117.4 | Use speaking skills for clarity. | |
C117.5 | Interpret speaking skills for employment. | |
C117.6 | Execute personality development skills. | |
BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERIN G LAB | After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to | |
C118.1 | Explain The Concept of DC Circuit Laws | |
C118.2 | Understand The Response of Different Types Of Electrical Circuits To Different Excitations. | |
C118.3 | Understand The Measurement, Calculation And Relation Between The Basic Electrical Parameters | |
C118.4 | Calibrate The Efficiency of Single Phase Transformer And Verify The Different Connection of Single Phase Transformer | |
C118.5 | Identity and Characterize the DC Machines | |
C118.6 | Identity and Characterize the Three Phase AC Machines | |
MATHEMATI CS -II | After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to | |
C121.1 | Apply first order and first degree differential equations to solve various types of differential equations which will be used in solving various engineering problems. | |
C121.2 | Solving a higher order differential equations with constant coefficients and variable coefficients. | |
C121.3 | Apply the concept to find areas, volumes, centre of mass and Gravity for cubes, sphere and rectangular parallelepiped |
| C121.4 | Identify multiple integral concepts that are useful in Engineering sector. |
C121.5 | Explain gradients, potential functions, and directional derivatives of functions of several variables. | |
C121.6 | Evaluate the Line ,Surface and Volume integrals by converting them one to another and Compute line, surface and volume integral using Gauss divergence, Green’s and stoke’s theorems. | |
APPLIED PHYSICS | After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to | |
C122.1 | Apply the knowledge of basic quantum mechanics, to set up One-dimensional Schrodinger’s wave equation | |
C122.2 | Memorize the applications of semiconductors to the various engineering systems. | |
C122.3 | Explain fundamental physical and technical base of Optoelectronic systems | |
C122.4 | Describe basic laws and phenomena that define behavior of optoelectronic systems | |
C122.5 | Apply the Principles of lasers ,and Recall the applications of optical fibers to the Engineering systems | |
C122.6 | Interpret the constitutive relationships for fields and understand the properties of magnetic and dielectric materials. | |
PROGRAMMI NG FOR PROBLEM SOLVING | After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to | |
C123.1 | Develop the algorithms for simple problems | |
C123.2 | Translate given algorithms to working and correct program | |
C123.3 | Find Correct syntax errors as reported by the compilers | |
C123.4 | Identify and correct logical errors during execution | |
C123.5 | Examine pointers of different types | |
C123.6 | Make use of read and write to and from simple text and binary file | |
ENGINEERIN G GRAPHICS | After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to | |
C124.1 | Explain the importance of Engineering drawing and Drawing instruments usage. Appreciate the usage of engineering curves (i.e. Ellipse, parabola, hyperbola& Rectangular Hyperbola) & Special Curves (i.e. Cycloid, Hypocycloid, Epicycloid) | |
C124.2 | Summarize the concept of projection and attain visualization projection of |
| points, Lines and Planes |
C124.3 | Apply the principles of Projection of solids also draw the projections of solids. | |
C124.4 | Solve the Problems on Sections of solid | |
C124.5 | Applying the knowledge and Draw the development of surfaces of different engineering components. Discuss the usage of intersections of solids | |
C124.6 | Summarize the concept of Orthographic & Isometric projections | |
APPLIED PHYSICS LAB | After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to | |
C125.1 | Determine the energy gap and Hall coefficient of semiconducting materials. | |
C125.2 | Analyze the characteristics of Solar cell, Light emitting diode and LASER. | |
C125.3 | Interpret the theoretical, Practical Values of magnetic field values with distance. | |
C125.4 | Describe the losses of optical fibers | |
C125.5 | Execute value of Plank’s constant by photo electric effect | |
C125.6 | Examine the quality factor of L-C-R and time constant of R-C circuit | |
PROGRAMMI NG FOR PROBLEM SOLVING LAB | After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to | |
C126.1 | Formulate the algorithms for simple problems | |
C126.2 | Translate given algorithms to working and correct program | |
C126.3 | Recognize Correct syntax errors as reported by the compilers | |
C126.4 | Identify and correct logical errors during execution | |
C126.5 | Use pointers of different types | |
C126.6 | Implementation, read and write to and from simple text and binary file | |
ENGINEERIN G MECHANICS | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C211.1 | Identify the resultant of forces acting on a body and analyze equilibrium of a body subjected to a system of forces. | |
C211.2 | Solve problem of bodies subjected to friction. | |
C211.3 | Find the location of centroid and calculate moment of inertia of a given section. | |
C211.4 | Find the Mass Moment of Inertia of the given section | |
C211.5 | Discuss the kinetics and kinematics of a body undergoing rectilinear, curvilinear, rotatory motion and rigid body motion. |
| C211.6 | Solve problems using work energy equations for translation, fixed axis rotation and plane motion and solve problems of vibration. |
ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT ANALYSIS | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C212.1 | Discuss and apply network theorems for the analysis of electrical circuits. | |
C212.2 | List the transient and steady-state response of electrical circuits. | |
C212.3 | Distinguish the single-phase and three-phase circuits in the sinusoidal steadystate analysis. | |
C212.4 | Explain the dot convention in coupled circuits. | |
C212.5 | Compare the electrical circuits using Laplace transforms for standard inputs. | |
C212.6 | Simplify the two port circuit’s behavior like Z, Y, ABCD and hybrid parameters. | |
ANALOG ELECTRONIC S | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C213.1 | List the characteristics, utilization of various diode circuits. | |
C213.2 | Describe the characteristics of MOSFET Circuits. | |
C213.3 | State the different multistage Amplifiers. | |
C213.4 | Explain the various Power Amplifiers. | |
C213.5 | Sketch and explain the feedback amplifiers, oscillators | |
C213.6 | Describe the functioning of OP-AMP, design OP-AMP based circuits with linear integrated circuits. | |
ELECTRICAL MACHINES-I | At the end of the course the students are able to: |
C214.1 | Identify and explain different parts of a DC generator & understand its operation. | |
C214.2 | Identify and explain different parts of a DC motor & understand its operation. | |
C214.3 | Use different testing methods to predetermine the efficiency of dc machines. | |
C214.4 | Use different excitation and starting methods of DC machines. | |
C214.5 | Describe the Speed control of a DC Machines. | |
C214.6 | Use single phase and three phase transformers circuits. | |
ELECTROMA | At the end of the course the students are able to: |
GNETIC FIELDS | C215.1 | Discuss the concepts of electric field and magnetic field, and their applications; this will be utilized in the development of the theory for power transmission lines and electrical machines. |
C215.2 | Define current, current density, capacitance, poisons and | |
C215.3 | Laplace’s equations. | |
C215.4 | Use electric and magnetic fields for simple configurations and static conditions. | |
C215.5 | Explain the concepts of Force on a moving charge, Force on a differential current element, and Magnetic boundary conditions. | |
C215.6 | Compare the time varying electric and magnetic fields. | |
ELECTRICAL MACHINES-I LAB | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C216.1 | Memorize to Start and control the Different DC Machines. | |
C216.2 | Make use of DC Machines to find the critical field resistance and critical speed. | |
C216.3 | Explain the performance characteristics of different DC machines | |
C216.4 | Determine the efficiency for different DC machines using suitable test. | |
C216.5 | Identify different conditions required to be satisfied for self – excitation of DC Generators. | |
C216.6 | List the separate iron losses of DC machines into different components. | |
ANALOG ELECTRONIC S LAB | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C217.1 | Describe the different characteristics, applications and utilization of various Diodes. | |
C217.2 | Differentiate the different types of characteristics and frequency response of BJT amplifier. | |
C217.3 | Implement the different basic waveforms using OP-amp. | |
C217.4 | Describe the configurations of feedback amplifier. | |
C217.5 | Examine the sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal oscillators. | |
C217.6 | Implement the Class A power amplifier. | |
ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT LAB | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C218.1 | Use the concepts of electrical circuits across engineering. | |
C218.2 | Identify the response in a given network by using network theorems. |
| C218.3 | Examine the DC linear circuits. |
C218.4 | Test the complex AC linear circuits. | |
C218.5 | Classify Series and Parallel Resonance circuits. | |
C218.6 | Solve the parameter values using two port networks. | |
LAPLACE TRANSFORMS NUMERICAL METHODS & COMPLEX VARIABLES | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C221.1 | Discuss Laplace Transform methods to solve initial value problems for constant coefficient linear ODEs. | |
C221.2 | Explain the concepts of algebraic and transcendental equations and Express approximate interpolating polynomials for equal and unequal intervals. | |
C221.3 | Solve various Numerical methods in solving initial value problems involving ordinary differential equation. | |
C221.4 | Solve numerical integration problems using different techniques. | |
C221.5 | Simplify the complex function with reference to their analyticity and various properties of analytic functions. | |
C221.6 | Classify the Cauchy theorem and Cauchy integral formulas and apply these to evaluate complex contour integrals. | |
ELECTRICAL MACHINES-II | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C222.1 | Discuss the detailed constructional analysis of poly-phase induction motors. | |
C222.2 | Describe the detailed analysis of starting and speed control of poly-phase induction motors. | |
C222.3 | Discuss the detailed constructional analysis of alternators. | |
C222.4 | List the various methods of regulation and solve the problems. | |
C222.5 | Solve the various problems on parallel operation of alternators. | |
C222.6 | Discuss the Constructional details, operation, construction and types of singlephase motors and their applications. | |
DIGITAL ELECTRONICS | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C223.1 | Memorize the fundamental concepts and techniques used in digital electronics, performing Number conversions, Complements and Understanding Boolean algebraic rules and laws. | |
C223.2 | Simplify Boolean function using Boolean algebraic rules and laws, K-Map and Tabulation Method Analyze and design of various Combinational logic circuits. |
| C223.3 | Compare the functionalities of Latches and Flip-Flops; able to Analyze and design of Sequential logic circuits. |
C223.4 | Contrast the functionalities of various counters. | |
C223.5 | Explain about various A/D and D/A converters. | |
C223.6 | Distinguish the various memories, PLD’s and CPLDS. | |
CONTROL SYSTEMS | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C224.1 | Explain the mathematical model of physical systems and transfer function for given control system problems by using block diagram reduction techniques | |
C224.2 | Utilize the time domain responses of first and second-order systems to for standard test inputs | |
C224.3 | Describe the frequency response analysis and relationship between time and frequency response | |
C224.4 | Differentiate the various stability analyses (like Bode plot, polar plot and Nyquist plots techniques). | |
C224.5 | Implement Lead, Lag & Lead-Lag compensators and P, PI, PID controllers to meet the desired specifications, which is required in the process control Industry. | |
C224.6 | Distinguish the controllability and observability using state space representation and applications of state space representation to various systems. | |
POWER SYSTEMS-I | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C225.1 | Explain the generation of electric power. | |
C225.2 | Define and explain the terms of economics of power generation plants. | |
C225.3 | Classify the types of insulators and cables. | |
C225.4 | Find the parameters in cables. | |
C225.5 | Examine inductance and capacitance of transmission lines. | |
C225.6 | Classify and explain the AC and DC distribution systems. | |
DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C226.1 | Describe the different Logic families and logic gates. | |
C226.2 | Implement the combinational logic circuits. | |
C226.3 | Implement the sequential logic circuits. |
| C226.4 | Implement the various code converters / generator logic circuits. |
C226.5 | Implement the various counter circuits. | |
C226.6 | Discuss the verification of Various Truth tables DTL, TTL and ECL. | |
ELECTRICAL MACHINES-II LAB | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C227.1 | Execute the performances of single-phase transformer by conducting suitable test. | |
C227.2 | Experiment with synchronous generator for deliberates its performances. | |
C227.3 | Execute the synchronous motor performances by conducting suitable test. | |
C227.4 | Execute the behavior of single phase induction motor. | |
C227.5 | Examine the behavior of 3-phase induction motor. | |
C227.6 | Execute the performances of Scott connect transformer by conducting suitable test. | |
CONTROL SYSTEMS LAB | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C228.1 | Identify the different ways of system such as transfer function representation state space representation and to assess the dynamic response. | |
C228.2 | Sketch the characteristic of ac servomotor and dc servomotor and to analyze the effect of feedback on them. | |
C228.3 | Examine various logic gates using Programmable logic control unit in conjunction with software. | |
C228.4 | Use the system performance by selecting suitable controller and/or a compensator for a specific application. | |
C228.5 | Estimate frequency domain analysis and determine the stability of various systems using MATLAB. | |
C228.6 | Execute Lag and Lead compensators and to study the effect of P, PI, PD, PID controller on a second order system. | |
POWER ELECTRONICS | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C311.1 | Compare the static and dynamic characteristics of power semiconductor devices used for power conversion in converter circuits. Apply the various firing circuits and commutation techniques useful for minimizing switching losses of SCRs. | |
C311.2 | Demonstrate the working principle of thyristor based ac-dc converters and calculate the performance parameters under various load conditions. |
| C311.3 | Identify the switching techniques and control strategies of chopper circuit for regulating dc power and perform steady state analysis. |
C311.4 | Identify the switching techniques boost, buck and buck-boost choppers. | |
C311.5 | Use the modulation and switching techniques for output voltage control of single phase and three phase inverters. | |
C311.6 | Operate the single phase ac voltage controllers used for converting fixed ac supply into variable ac output at constant frequency and explain the operating principle of single phase cyclo converter to modulate the frequency of input waveform. | |
POWER SYSTEMS-II | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C312.1 | Classify and explain transmission line performance. | |
C312.2 | Use the voltage control methods and compensation in power systems. | |
C312.3 | Use the compensation techniques and applications of per unit quantities. | |
C312.4 | Define and explain the over voltage protection and insulation coordination. | |
C312.5 | Examine the fault currents for symmetrical and unbalanced faults. | |
C312.6 | Explain about various protecting devices from over voltages. | |
MEASUREMEN TS AND INSTRUMENT ATION | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C313.1 | Classify the different types of Measuring Instruments and their working principle and advantage, disadvantages of measuring instruments. | |
C313.2 | Describe the DC Potentiometers, AC potentiometers and Instrument Transformers. | |
C313.3 | Use the suitable instruments for typical measurement of power using different types of watt meters. | |
C313.4 | Explain the single –phase and three-phase induction type energy meter, errors and compensations. | |
C313.5 | Explain about calibrated Instruments DC bridges, AC Bridges, To calculate Inductance, capacitance, Resistance. | |
C313.6 | Memorize the knowledge about transducers and electrical transducers to use them effectively and use the knowledge of smart and digital metering for industrial applications. | |
HIGH VOLTAGE ENGINEERING | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C314.1 | Discuss the types of breakdown mechanism in solids, liquids and gases. | |
C314.2 | Examine the high voltage generation circuits in HV laboratories. |
| C314.3 | Examine the measurement of high voltage DC, AC & impulse voltages. |
C314.4 | Explain the different techniques used for the measurement of high voltage DC, AC & impulse currents. | |
C314.5 | Differentiate the various types of switching and lightning over voltages. | |
C314.6 | Describe the various testing procedures of electrical components. | |
BUSINESS ECONOMICS & FINANCIAL ANALYSIS | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C315.1 | Discuss the relative importance of Business Economics and structure of Business Firms ranging from types, formation, entry and exit from markets and output decisions. | |
C315.2 | Describe the Micro and Macro Economic Concepts, and Importance of National Income, Inflation, Money Supply in Inflation, Business Cycle. | |
C315.3 | Discuss with the tools for analyzing Demand and costs as well as in forecasting product demand and to develop critical and integrative thinking in the Analysis of consumer behavior. | |
C315.4 | Examine the fundamentals of managerial economics such as Market structures, production, price, and investment concepts. | |
C315.5 | Explain the accounting language and to have a basic understanding of preparation of financial statement. | |
C315.6 | Solve the company profitability and financial position by suing financial tools and techniques and to explore opportunities for future merger and acquisition and expansion. | |
POWER SYSTEM SIMULATION LAB | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C316.1 | Explain various transmission and distribution line calculations. | |
C316.2 | Comparison of lumped and distributed transmission lines. | |
C316.3 | Show Different circuits time constants. | |
C316.4 | Illustrate Simulation of Resonance circuit. | |
C316.5 | Solve the calculation of R, L, C, Zs of 3-phase Transmission Line. | |
C316.6 | Distinguish the estimation of TARIFF based on load curve. | |
POWER ELECTRONICS LAB | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C317.1 | Sketch the Characteristics of SCR, MOSFET & IGBT and Gate firing circuits of SCR. |
| C317.2 | Operate the AC voltage Controller, DC Jones chopper and draw their characteristics. |
C317.3 | Experiment on Single Phase half controlled &fully controlled bridge converter to find their characteristics. | |
C317.4 | Describe the Forced Commutation circuits (Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D & Class E) | |
C317.5 | Implement various frequency values of single phase cyclo-converter & dual converter and draw their characteristics. | |
C317.6 | Demonstrate the single phase DC-AC converters like series inverter, parallel inverter & Bridge inverter. | |
MEASUREMEN TS AND INSTRUMENT ATION LAB | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C318.1 | Test the energy meter, power factor, LPF wattmeter. | |
C318.2 | Test the PMMC instruments by Crompton’s potentiometer. | |
C318.3 | Measure the resistance, inductance, capacitance & transformer turns ratio using Bridges. | |
C318.4 | Test the dielectric strength of oil and Current Transformers & PT. | |
C318.5 | Measure the Active and Reactive powers with wattmeter & current transformers. | |
C318.6 | Measure the displacement & strain with LVDT and strain gauge. | |
ADVANCED COMMUNICAT ION SKILLS LAB | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C319.1 | Explain to use relevant vocabulary, using apt kinesics or body language in communication. | |
C319.2 | Define the meaning of the text easily through comprehension techniques like, skimming, scanning and effective reading through proper vocabulary. | |
C319.3 | Distinguish the writing skills through letters, reports and resume writing from the text and use for all professional settings. | |
C319.4 | Identify ideas, information and organize them relevantly in making presentations. | |
C319.5 | Argue to organize and deliver discussions, presentations and strategies to face effectively. | |
C319.6 | Demonstrate public speaking, group discussions and interviews. | |
NON | At the end of the course the students are able to: |
CONVENTION AL ENERGY SOURCES | C321.1 | Explain the principles of solar radiation. |
C321.2 | Discuss solar energy collection and direct energy conversion. | |
C321.3 | Discuss solar energy storage methods and applications. | |
C321.4 | Use ocean energy utilization. | |
C321.5 | Identify wind energy and its types. | |
C321.6 | Explain principles of bio-conversion and geothermal energy methods. | |
POWER SEMICONDUC TOR DRIVES | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C322.1 | Develop the structure of electric drive systems and their role in various applications making electric drives an enabling technology. | |
C322.2 | Explain different electrical braking methods of DC drives. | |
C322.3 | Distinguish and explain the operation of DC drives using different choppers. | |
C322.4 | Classify the control methods of Induction motor through stator side. | |
C322.5 | Identify control methods of induction motor through rotor side. | |
C322.6 | Describe AC motor drive speed–torque characteristics using different control strategies its merits and demerits. | |
SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C323.1 | Explain the mathematical representation of Continuous and Discrete time signals, systems, principles of vector spaces. | |
C323.2 | State the properties of Fourier series & Fourier Transforms and analyzing the signals with different transform techniques. | |
C323.3 | Describe the representations and input output relationships of LTI systems; Transfer function of a LTI system. Filter characteristics of linear systems. Distortion less transmission through a system. | |
C323.4 | Explain the limitations of Fourier transform, and Apply Laplace transforms to analyze continuous-time. | |
C323.5 | Use z-transform to analyze discrete-time signals and systems, and to resolve signals in discrete frequency domain. | |
C323.6 | List the concepts of convolution, correlation and Energy and Power density spectrum with their relationships, detection of periodic signals, and signal extraction from noise. | |
MICROPROCE | At the end of the course the students are able to: |
SSORS & MICROCONTR OLLERS (MP&MC) | C324.1 | Explain the different modes of operations of 8086 microprocessor and 8051 microcontroller. |
C324.2 | Discuss assembly level language programming skills in microprocessor 8086 and microcontroller 8051. | |
C324.3 | Use the various I/O interfacing techniques to 8051 with external devices. | |
C324.4 | State and explain the various onboard and external serial communication standards and schemes. | |
C324.5 | Explain the fundamentals of ARM processor using its architecture and various instructions. | |
C324.6 | Describe the architecture of advanced ARM processors – CORTEX and OMAP. | |
POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C325.1 | Explain the working principle of different types of electromagnetic relays. | |
C325.2 | Differentiate various relays including the over current protection and distance protection schemes. | |
C325.3 | Use the pilot relaying schemes. | |
C325.4 | Use the different protection schemes of transformer and generator. | |
C325.5 | Explain the working principle different types of static relays. | |
C325.6 | List various circuit breakers used in power system. | |
POWER SYSTEM OPERATION AND CONTROL | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C326.1 | Compare the different iterative methods including their merits & demerits and explain about system data for load flow study. | |
C326.2 | Differentiate the distribution of load between units within a plant-transmission loss as a function of plant generation and calculate the loss coefficients distribution of load between plants. | |
C326.3 | Explain the load frequency control of single area and two area systems with controlled and uncontrolled cases. | |
C326.4 | Distinguish between steady state and Transient stability. | |
C326.5 | Explain the steady state stability concepts and dynamic stability. | |
C326.6 | Explain the Need of computer control of power systems and concept of energy control centre and also SCADA systems. | |
POWER | At the end of the course the students are able to: |
SYSTEM LAB | C327.1 | Explain the protection of different methods. |
C327.2 | Explain the ABCD constants of transmission lines. | |
C327.3 | Test the sequence impedance of 3-ϕ ac machines. | |
C327.4 | Use the load flow techniques. | |
C327.5 | Execute formation of buses. | |
C327.6 | Execute Simulation of Compensated Line. | |
MICROPROCE SSORS & MICROCONTR OLLERS LAB | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C328.1 | Describe the fundamentals of assembly level programming of microprocessors and microcontroller. | |
C328.2 | Examine the standard microprocessor with real time interfaces including GPIO, serial ports, digital-to-analog converters and analog-to-digital converters. | |
C328.3 | Make use of interactions between software and hardware to implement the programs. | |
C328.4 | Distinguish communication from I/O devices to controller and vice-versa. | |
C328.5 | Use standard test and measurement equipment to evaluate digital interfaces. | |
C328.6 | Explain the concepts related to I/O and memory interfacing. | |
SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS LAB | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C329.1 | Explain Basic MATLAB functions and use them for | |
programming. | ||
C329.2 | Explain the concepts of continuous time and discrete time systems. | |
C329.3 | State discrete time sequences like step, ramp, impulse and sinusoidal sequences. | |
C329.4 | Distinguish the trigonometric and exponential Fourier series coefficients of a periodic rectangular signal and plot the discrete spectrum of the signal. | |
C329.5 | Discuss sampling theorem and its implications. | |
POWER SEMICONDUC TOR DRIVES | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C411.1 | Use the structure of electric drive systems and their role in various applications making electric drives an enabling technology. | |
C411.2 | Explain the different electrical braking methods of DC drives. | |
C411.3 | Inspect the operation of DC drives using different choppers. |
| C411.4 | Explain the controlling methods of induction motor through stator side. |
C411.5 | Identify control methods of induction motor through rotor side. | |
C411.6 | Explain the mechanism of light propagation through Optical Fibers. | |
POWER SYSTEM OPERATION AND CONTROL | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C412.1 | Distinguish the steady state behavior of the power system for voltage and frequency fluctuations. | |
C412.2 | Describe reactive power control of a power system and excitation systems. | |
C412.3 | Discover the optimal scheduling of power plants and co-ordination equation with loss and without loss. | |
C412.4 | Explain the statement of unit commitment and the constraints and priority list methods. | |
C412.5 | Discuss the unit commitment problem and importance of economic load dispatch. | |
C412.6 | Explain the Need of computer control of power systems. Concept of energy control centre and also SCADA systems. | |
HVDC TRANSMISSIO N | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C413.1 | Compare EHV AC and HVDC system and describe various types of DC links, analysis of HVDC converters. | |
C413.2 | State the various methods for control of converters and reactive power control in HVDC systems. | |
C413.3 | Discuss the various types of DC links. | |
C413.4 | Explain the various methods of power flow analysis in AC-DC systems. | |
C413.5 | State the various converter faults in DC systems and discuss the various protection methods for HVDC systems. | |
C413.6 | Identify the generation of harmonics in AC systems and design different types of filters. | |
POWER QUALITY | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C414.1 | Discuss the various types of power quality problems. | |
C414.2 | Classify the failure, outage and Interruptions. | |
C414.3 | Differentiate the voltage sag and swell based power quality. | |
C414.4 | Solve the voltage sag problem in Single phase and three phase system. | |
C414.5 | Identify the Power Quality problems in Industry power systems. |
| C415.1 | Discuss the Basic Concepts of FACTS controllers and benefits, Transmission interconnections power flow in an AC system. |
C415.2 | Differentiate the current and voltage source converters and classify the various types of Bridge converters. | |
C415.3 | Discuss the objectives of shunt compensation and damps the oscillations in power. | |
C415.4 | Explain the various controllable VAR generation Methods. | |
C415.5 | Comparison between SVC and STATCOM. | |
C415.6 | Discuss the objectives of Series compensation and various methods. | |
ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS SIMULATION LAB | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C416.1 | Use the electrical systems in time and frequency domain. | |
C416.2 | Describe various transmission lines and perform fault analysis. | |
C416.3 | Examine the Speed Control of motors. | |
C416.4 | Describe the feedback control system. | |
C416.5 | Discuss the Economic Dispatch of Thermal Units. | |
C416.6 | Execute the working of various Power Electronic Converters. | |
ELECTRICAL WORKSHOP LAB | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C417.1 | Use the practical knowledge related to electrical. | |
C417.2 | Identify the fabrication and sketch the fabrication of basic electrical circuit elements/networks. | |
C417.3 | Discuss and test the trouble shooting of electrical circuits. | |
C417.4 | Compare and assemble the filter circuits. | |
C417.5 | Use the skills of soldering, winding in hardware environment. | |
C417.6 | Use the skills of debugging. | |
RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C421.1 | Discuss the development of renewable energy sources and its types. | |
C421.2 | Explain the solar energy generation and its working principle of solar thermal conversion devices and its storage and applications. | |
C421.3 | Construction into wind energy turbine and its type’s characteristics and its applications. |
| C421.4 | Design wind mill component economics and demand side management with safety and environmental aspects in wind energy potential and its installation in India. | |
C421.5 | Design the constructional features of biogas plant and its biomass gasification and its types. | ||
C421.6 | Discuss the ocean wave energy and tidal energy with its scope and development to design a small hydro power plant. | ||
ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS | At the end of the course the students are able to: | ||
C422.1 | Differentiate between transmission and distribution systems and design of distribution feeders. | ||
C422.2 | Identify and locate the service area with “n” primary feeders in substation, solve the voltage drop and power loss calculations of three phase systems. | ||
C422.3 | Explain objectives of distribution system protection, types of common faults and procedure for fault calculations, over current protective devices. | ||
C422.4 | Explain the coordination of the protective devices like fuse, auto-recloser and circuit breaker. | ||
C422.5 | Demonstrate the capacitive compensation for power-factor control, classification of different types of power capacitors like shunt and series capacitors, difference between shunt and series capacitors. | ||
C422.6 | Discuss the importance of voltage control and methods of voltage control, effect of AVB/AVR on voltage control, line drop compensation, voltage fluctuations. | ||
UTILIZATION OF ELECTRIC POWER | At the end of the course the students are able to: | ||
C423.1 | Memorize the electric drives characteristics and different types of loads and their characteristics. | ||
C423.2 | Discuss the concept and methods of heating and welding techniques. | ||
C423.3 | Describes the basic principles of illumination and its measurement. | ||
C423.4 | List the types of lamps like MV and SV and comparison between | ||
C423.5 | Tungsten filament lamps and fluorescent tubes. | ||
C423.6 | Explain basic principle of electric traction including speed–time curves of different traction services. | ||
Project Stage – II | At the end of the course the students are able to: | ||
C424.1 | Demonstrate the knowledge and skills of a professional engineer to make a project and identify |
| latest information related to the project from various sources to analyse the project. | ||||
C424.2 | Apply knowledge and demonstrate to manage project in multidisciplinary areas and develop a team for carrying the project and perform documentation effectively. | |||||
C424.3 | Create abstract for given project by identifying the requirements and prospective Solution and design the necessary module of the selected project as per specifications. | |||||
C424.4 | Analyse the results of the designed module or circuit and develop a prototype/model of the project by distribution of tasks among the team. | |||||
C424.5 | Create a good report of the project as per the guidelines and present to the panel of experts. | |||||
C424.6 | Demonstrate the project working with the help of Presentation. | |||||
| Program Outcomes of Department of EEE | |||||
P01 | To apply the knowledge of Mathematics, Science and Engineering concepts in solving Complex Engineering problems. | |||||
P02 | Identify, formulate and solve complex problems to achieve demonstrated conclusions using mathematical principles and engineering sciences. | |||||
PO3 | To design solution for complex engineering problems with appropriate consideration for society | |||||
PO4 | To use research –based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments to provide valid conclusions | |||||
PO5 | To select and apply appropriate techniques for the design & analysis of systems using modern CAD tools | |||||
PO6 | Apply the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety and cultural issues and endure the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice | |||||
PO7 | To understand that the solutions have to be provided taking the environmental issues and sustainability into consideration. | |||||
| PO8 | Develop consciousness of professional, ethical and social responsibilities as experts in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
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| PO9 | To function effectively either as a member or a leader in a multi disciplinary activities |
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| PO10 | To communicate effectively to both the peers and the others |
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| PO11 | To apply engineering & management principles in their own / team projects in multidisciplinary environment |
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| PO12 | To Realize the need for lifelong learning and engage them to adopt technological change |
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