October 1, 2023 2023-10-01 7:37COURSE OUTCOMES
Mechanical Engineering

Course Name | Course Code | Course Outcomes |
MATHEMATIC S -I | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C111.1 | Determine the rank of a matrix and solution of equations using matrix theory | |
C111.2 | Demonstrate the matrix theory of Eigen value Eigen vector problems | |
C111.3 | Utilize the tool of sequence and series for learning advanced Engineering Mathematics | |
C111.4 | Analyze the nature of sequence and series | |
C111.5 | Solve the applications on the mean value theorems and Analyse the properties of Beta and Gama functions, determine the Improper Integrals | |
C111.6 | Apply partial differentiation to function of several variables in solving various engineering problems | |
ENGINEERING PHYSICS | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C112.1 | Interpret the interaction of optic energy with matter on the basis of interference and explain the diffraction of light by the diffraction grating | |
C112.2 | Apply concepts of polarization of light to understand the wave nature of light and Apply the Principles of Lasers to various laser systems | |
C112.3 | State the Principles of optical fiber for the propagation of light | |
C112.4 | Enumerate the applications of optical fibers to the Engineering systems | |
C112.5 | Illustrate the structure of various crystal systems | |
C112.6 | Describe the various crystal imperfections and probing methods like X-RD | |
PROGRAMMIN G FOR PROBLEM SOLVING | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C113.1 | Develop the algorithms for simple problems | |
C113.2 | Translate given algorithms to working and correct program | |
C113.3 | Find Correct syntax errors as reported by the compilers | |
C113.4 | Identify and correct logical errors during execution | |
C113.5 | Examine pointers of different types | |
C113.6 | Make use of read and write to and from simple text and binary file | |
ENGINEERING GRAPHICS | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C114.1 | Explain the importance of Engineering drawing and Drawing instruments usage. Appreciate the usage of engineering curves (i.e. Ellipse, parabola, hyperbola& Rectangular Hyperbola) & Special Curves (i.e. Cycloid, Hypocycloid, Epicycloid) | |
C114.2 | Summarize the concept of projection and attain visualization projection of points, Lines and Planes | |
C114.3 | Apply the principles of Projection of solids also draw the projections of solids. | |
C114.4 | Solve the Problems on Sections of solid |
| C114.5 | Applying the knowledge and Draw the development of surfaces of different engineering components. Discuss the usage of intersections of solids |
C114.6 | Summarize the concept of Orthographic & Isometric projections | |
ENGINEERING PHYSICS LAB | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C115.1 | Differentiate the basic principles of optics like interference and diffraction | |
C115.2 | Define the characteristics of Basic electronic circuits. | |
C115.3 | Explain the properties of semiconducting materials. | |
C115.4 | Interpret the theoretical, Practical Values of magnetic field values. | |
C115.5 | Explain the capabilities of materials. | |
C115.6 | Demonstrate the basic Characteristics of physical experiments | |
| At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
PROGRAMMIN G FOR PROBLEM SOLVING LAB | C116.1 | Formulate the algorithms for simple problems |
C116.2 | Translate given algorithms to working and correct program | |
C116.3 | Recognize Correct syntax errors as reported by the compilers | |
C116.4 | Identify and correct logical errors during execution | |
C116.5 | Use pointers of different types | |
C116.6 | Implementation, read and write to and from simple text and binary file | |
MATHEMATIC S -II | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C121.1 | Apply first order and first degree differential equations to solve various types of differential equations which will be used in solving various engineering problems. | |
C121.2 | Solving a higher order differential equations with constant coefficients and variable coefficients. | |
C121.3 | Apply the concept to find areas, volumes, centre of mass and Gravity for cubes, sphere and rectangular parallelepiped | |
C121.4 | Identify multiple integral concepts that are useful in Engineering sector. | |
C121.5 | Explain gradients, potential functions, and directional derivatives of functions of several variables. | |
C121.6 | Evaluate the Line ,Surface and Volume integrals by converting them one to another and Compute line, surface and volume integral using Gauss divergence, Green’s and stoke’s theorems. | |
CHEMISTRY | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C122.1 | Summarize the knowledge of atomic, molecular and electronic changes, band theory related to conductivity. | |
C122.2 | Apply the required principles and concepts in electro chemistry. | |
C122.3 | Classify the corrosion and in understanding the problem Of water and its treatment. | |
C122.4 | Use the spectroscope and application to medical and other fields. | |
C122.5 | Determine the Structure, synthesis and pharmaceutical applications of paracetamol and aspirin. | |
C122.6 | Summarize principles of spectroscopy, selection rules and applications of electronic spectroscopy. |
ENGLISH | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C123.1 | Discuss the development in sharing information about family and friends | |
C123.2 | Implement general comprehending skills and present lucid skills in free writing | |
C123.3 | Understand the basic grammar techniques and utilize it in enhancing language development | |
C123.4 | Demonstrate an environment for reading and develop good language skills | |
C123.5 | Implement flair for any kind of writing with rich vocabulary and proper syntax | |
C123.6 | Implement proficiency in writing technical articles and presenting papers on any topic of any generation | |
ENGINEERING MECHANICS | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C124.1 | Determine resultant of forces acting on a body and analyze equilibrium of a body subjected to a system of forces. | |
C124.2 | Solve problem of bodies subjected to friction. | |
C124.3 | Find the location of centroid and calculate moment of inertia of a given section. | |
C124.4 | Find the Mass Moment of Inertia of the given section | |
C124.5 | Understand the kinetics and kinematics of a body undergoing rectilinear, curvilinear, rotatory motion and rigid body motion. | |
C124.6 | Solve problems using work energy equations for translation, fixed axis rotation and plane motion and solve problems of vibration. | |
ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY LAB | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C125.1 | Differentiate the total hardness of water sample. | |
C125.2 | Identify the Chloride content present in water sample. | |
C125.3 | Estimation of rate constant of a reaction from concentration time relationship. | |
C125.4 | Identify the physical properties like adsorption | |
C125.5 | Identify the physical properties like viscosity. | |
C125.6 | Calculation of Rf values of some organic molecules by TLC technic. | |
ELCS LAB | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C126.1 | Implement proper body language. | |
C126.2 | Recognize visual experience. | |
C126.3 | Examine neutralization of accent for intelligibility. | |
C126.4 | Use speaking skills for clarity. | |
C126.5 | Interpret speaking skills for employment. | |
C126.6 | Execute personality development skills. | |
ENGINEERING WORKSHOP | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C127.1 | Experiment and practice on machine tools and their operations |
| C127.2 | Experiment on manufacturing of components using workshop trades including pluming, fitting, carpentry, foundry, house wiring and welding. |
C127.3 | Identify and apply suitable tools for different trades of Engineering processes including drilling, material removing, measuring, chiseling | |
C127.4 | Characterize basic electrical engineering knowledge for house wiring practice. | |
C127.5 | Experiment and practical exposure to various welding and joining processes | |
C127.6 | Develop the construction, function, use and application of different working tools, | |
Probability and Statistics & Complex Variables | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C211.1 | Explain the concept of discrete probability density functions and probability distributions like Binomial Distribution and Poisson Distribution | |
C211.2 | State and explain the concepts of continuous probability density functions and probability distributions like Normal, Gamma and Exponential distribution. | |
C211.3 | State and explain the fundamental concepts of complex numbers and their functions | |
C211.4 | State and explain the fundamental concepts conformal mapping | |
C211.5 | Outline the mathematical concepts of integration of complex functions | |
C211.6 | Demonstrate the concepts of various singularities and series expansions | |
Mechanics of Solids | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C212.1 | Describe the behavior of the solid bodies subjected to various types of loading. | |
C212.2 | Classify different types of beams and solve the problems of shear force and bending moments subjected to different boundary conditions. | |
C212.3 | Discuss the theory of simple bending and determine the bending stresses in solid and hollow circular, rectangular sections etc. | |
C212.4 | Discuss the concepts of shear stress distribution across various beams sections like rectangular, circular, triangular, I, T angle sections. | |
C212.5 | Solve the problems related to the bar subjected to the axial as well to the compound stresses and discuss the concept of Mohr circle. | |
C212.6 | Explain the theory of pure torsion and the problems related to the shafts according to the theories of failure. Discuss the concepts of thin cylinders and solve the basic problems. | |
Material Science and Metallurgy | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C213.1 | Explain the different types of materials and their influence on physical and crystal structure. | |
C213.2 | Identify the different alloy materials and along with the studies related to the ferrous and non-ferrous materials. | |
C213.3 | Explain the properties of ductility, toughness and their influencing parameters with their phases. | |
C213.4 | Classify the various methods of heat treatment of metals, hardening of metals. | |
C213.5 | State and study the different classifications of ceramic materials and composite materials. |
| C213.6 | Discuss the various applications of engineering materials and its importance related to the industries |
Production Technology | At the end of the course the students are able to:
| |
C214.1 | Explain briefly about the patterns, gating systems and describe the different type of casting processes. | |
C214.2 | Classify the different type of welds, welded joints and identify the types of welding process. | |
C214.3 | Define the concepts of Soldering and Brazing process and interpret the cause & remedies of welding defects. | |
C214.4 | Discuss the concept of Heat affected zone and enumerate the different destructive and non destructive type of welds. | |
C214.5 | Discuss the concepts of Hot working, cold working, strain hardening, recovery, recrystallisation and grain growth. | |
C214.6 | State and explain the different classifications of the Extrusion process, Forging process and high energy rate forming process. | |
Thermodynami cs | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C215.1 | Explain the basic concepts of Types of Systems, Macroscopic and Microscopic viewpoints, Concept of Continuum, Thermodynamic Equilibrium, State, Property, Process, Exact & Inexact differentials. | |
C215.2 | Explain briefly about the concepts of First law and second law of thermodynamics, Availability and irreversibility. | |
C215.3 | Demonstrate the P-V-T surfaces, T-S & H-S diagram, interpret the mollier charts with various thermodynamic processes. State the perfect gas laws undergoing various processes | |
C215.4 | Solve the various problematic on perfect gas laws by using gas tables, Interpret and solve the psychometric chart and properties | |
C215.5 | Explain the various types of power cycles and solve thermal efficiency and mean effective pressure. | |
C215.6 | Explain the different type of refrigeration cycles and recognize the performance of cycles. | |
Production Technology Lab | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C216.1 | Demonstrate the properties of moulding sands and pattern making. Test the properties of the sand for permeability and strength. | |
C216.2 | Illustrate the concept of welding techniques and perform the welding operations like ARC Welding, Gas welding, TIG. | |
C216.3 | Demonstrate the principles of mechanical working process and carryout the Blanking & Piercing operation. Use the Hydraulic press to perform the deep drawing operation on CI. | |
C216.4 | Demonstrate the principles of different drawing operations and Use the Hydraulic press to perform the deep drawing operation on CI. | |
C216.5 | Explain the principle of bending process and perform the bending operation on ductile material. | |
C216.6 | Illustrate the process of moulding and perform the injection moulding and blow moulding process. |
Machine Drawing Practice | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C217.1 | Sketch and practice the engineering and working drawing with dimensioning of screw threads, bolts, nuts, stud bolts, tap bolts, set screws. | |
C217.2 | Sketch and practice the engineering and working drawing with dimensioning of Keys, cottered joints and knuckle joint. | |
C217.3 | Sketch and practice the engineering drawing with dimensioning of Riveted joints for plates, Shaft coupling, spigot and socket pipe joint. | |
C217.4 | Sketch and practice the engineering drawing with dimensioning of Journal, pivot and collar and foot step bearings. | |
C217.5 | Sketch and practice the engineering assembly drawing with dimensioning of Steam engine parts – stuffing boxes, cross heads, Eccentrics, Machine tool parts: Tail stock, Tool Post, Machine Vices. | |
C217.6 | Sketch and practice the engineering assembly drawing with dimensioning of Other machine parts – Screws jacks, Petrol engine connecting rod, Plummer block, Fuel Injector | |
Material Science and Mechanics of Solids Lab | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C218.1 | Develop and study the crystal models for simple cubic, body centered cubic, face centered cubic and hexagonal close packed structures. study of the Microstructure of pure metals like Iron, Cu and Al. | |
C218.2 | Develop and study the Microstructure of Mild steels, low carbon steels, high – C steels, Cast Irons. | |
C218.3 | Contrast the Microstructures of Non-Ferrous alloys, and determine the Harden ability of steels by Jominy End Quench Test. | |
C218.4 | Analyze the behavior of the solid bodies subjected to various types of loading using the Direct tension test. Perform the Bending test on Simple supported beam and Cantilever beam | |
C218.5 | Demonstrate and conduct the Torsion test and find the hardness of material using Brinell hardness test/ Rockwell hardness test | |
C218.6 | Demonstrate and conduct the tensile and compression test on springs and perform the impact strength of the material by IZOD/ Charpy test. | |
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C221.1 | Study the basic concept of dc circuits Analyze the various concepts AC circuits | |
C221.2 | Discuss the various components in electrical installation and describe the various types batteries | |
C221.3 | Explain the construction details and working principle of DC machines | |
C221.4 | Analyze the torque equation of AC machines | |
C221.5 | Identify semiconductor devices like PN junction and Zener diode and transistors and their applications | |
C221.6 | Compare semiconductor devices like BJT and FET | |
Kinematics of | At the end of the course the students are able to: |
Machinery | C222.1 | Classify the different types of links, pairs and motions and discuss the mobility of the mechanisms. Study the inversion mechanisms and solve the problems related to it. |
C222.2 | Sketch the velocity and acceleration diagrams using the graphical and relative velocity method. | |
C222.3 | Discuss and solve the problems of different straight line motion mechanisms. | |
C222.4 | Describe briefly about the steering mechanisms and solve the problems related to the single and double Hooks joint. | |
C222.5 | Discuss the different types of cams and followers and sketch the profiles for obtaining the maximum velocity and accelerations. | |
C222.6 | Demonstrate the concepts of friction wheels, toothed gears, types and law of gearing, condition for constant velocity etc. | |
Thermal Engineering – I | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C223.1 | Classify the two and four stroke engines and discuss the working procedure of different components IC engines. | |
C223.2 | Discuss the concepts of normal and abnormal combustion in SI engines. Study the stages in Four stroke engines, knocking, diesel fuel requirements and fuel rating. | |
C223.3 | Explain the testing and performance parameters in engines and study the classifications of compressors, fans and blowers. | |
C223.4 | Explain briefly about the working principle of reciprocating compressors and find the relationships of isothermal efficiency. | |
C223.5 | Explain about the working principles of rotary compressors, Dynamic and axial flow compressors. | |
C223.6 | Demonstrate the working of the Gas Turbines and study its performance parameters | |
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C224.1 | Explain the effect of fluid properties on a flow system and discuss the working principle of manometers for measurement of pressure. | |
C224.2 | Identify the different types of fluid flow patterns and describe Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equations for flow along a stream | |
C224.3 | line | |
C224.4 | Describe briefly about the boundary layer concepts in a laminar and turbulent flow along with drag and lift. | |
C224.5 | Examine about the Reynolds experiment and discuss the concepts of major and minor losses in pipes. | |
C224.6 | Discuss the basics of turbo machinery and study about the different classifications and performance of the hydraulic turbines. | |
Instrumentation and Control Systems | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C225.1 | State the various principles of measurements and their systems and study the various types of transducers along with the error measurements. |
| C225.2 | Demonstrate the various methods of measuring the temperature with the thermostats and thermocouples. Explain the working principles of pressure measurement equipments. |
C225.3 | Describe the various methods of measuring the levels by the direct and indirect methods following with the flow measurements. | |
C225.4 | Discuss the various methods of measuring the speed using the mechanical and electrical tachometers etc. | |
C225.5 | Discuss the various instruments for measuring the stress strain with different strain gauges. Identify the measuring of humidity with sling and absorption psychomotor. | |
C225.6 | Discuss the different elements of the open and closed control systems along with the transfer functions. | |
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lab | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C226.1 | Analyze and solve the electrical circuits using network Law | |
C226.2 | Understand and analyze the basic concept of three phase system | |
C226.3 | Study the working principal of electrical machines | |
C226.4 | Introduce the basic components of electronics instruments | |
C226.5 | Identify and characterize diode | |
C226.6 | Identify and characterize different transistors | |
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Lab | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C227.1 | Explain the concept of impact of jets on vanes along with the Bernoulli’s theorem of flow system. Perform the tests on impact test on jets on vanes, and prove the Bernoulli’s theorem. | |
C227.2 | Demonstrate the working principles of Pelton, Francis and Kaplan turbines and find the efficiencies of these turbines. | |
C227.3 | Demonstrate the working principles of Single Stage Centrifugal and Multi Stage Centrifugal Pump along with reciprocating pump and evaluate their efficiencies. | |
C227.4 | Demonstrate the working principles of Venturimeter and Orifice meter and perform their Calibration tests. | |
C227.5 | Demonstrate the working principles frictional losses in pipes and determine the friction factors. | |
C227.6 | Demonstrate the concept of different head losses in pipes and apply this principle in sudden contraction of pipes. | |
Instrumentation and Control Systems Lab | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C228.1 | Explain the working principle of pressure gauges and calibrate it. Study and calibrate the temperature measurement and LVDT transducer for displacement measurement. | |
C228.2 | Illustrate the working principle of strain gauges, thermo couples and calibrate it for temperature measurement. | |
C228.3 | Illustrate and study the working principle of capacitive transducer for angular measurement and calibrate the photo and magnetic speed pickups for the measurement of speed. |
| C228.4 | Illustrate and study the working principle of calibrating the resistance temperature detector for temperature measurement |
C228.5 | Demonstrate the working principle of calibrating the rotameter for flow measurement | |
C228.6 | Demonstrate the working principle of calibrating the McLeod gauge for low pressure measurement and also study the use of a Seismic pickup for the measurement of vibration amplitude of an engine bed | |
Dynamics of Machinery | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C311.1 | Discuss the working principle gyroscopes and study the effects of precession in motorcars, Aero planes and ships. | |
C311.2 | Analyze the various force effects and its design with respect to different parts of the engine and study the crank effort and torque diagram. | |
C311.3 | Explain and study the different theories for clutches | |
C311.4 | Discuses different types of brakes and its general description along with the methods of operation | |
C311.5 | Differentiate and study the different types of governors along with its operational principles. Study the Analytical and graphical methods related to balancing of rotating masses | |
C311.6 | Define the concept of free and forced vibrations for a two and three degree rotor system. | |
Design of Machine Members-I | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C312.1 | Discuss the basic concepts of design, material selection, component behavior subjected to loads, and criteria of failure. | |
C312.2 | Explain the concepts of principal stresses, stress concentration in machine members and solve the problems of fatigue loading. | |
C312.3 | Design on the basis of strength and rigidity and analyze the stresses induced in the Riveted joints. | |
C312.4 | Examine the stresses and design the welded and bolted joints | |
C312.5 | Design and study the various machine elements such as Keys, Cotters and Knuckle joints. | |
C312.6 | Design and Explain the procedure based on the strength and rigidity in shafts and couplings | |
Metrology & Machine Tools | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C313.1 | Explain the fundamental principles of metal cutting and introduce the working process of single and multiple spindle lathes | |
C313.2 | Describe the working principle of drilling and boring machine tools. Study the working mechanism and evaluate the machining time calculations in slotting and planning. | |
C313.3 | Explain briefly about the types of milling machine and its geometry, methods of indexing. | |
C313.4 | Discuss the theory of abrasive bonding, selection of grinding wheels, along with the lapping, honing and broaching machines with machine time calculations. | |
C313.5 | Discuss the importance of limits, fits and tolerance along with the hole and shaft basis system. Explain the concepts of measurement of straightness with autocollimator. | |
C313.6 | Explain the methods and devices for measurement of surface roughness and machine tool alignment |
| tests |
Business Economics & Financial Analysis | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C314.1 | Explain the relative importance of Business Economics and structure of Business Firms ranging from types, formation, entry and exit from markets and output decisions | |
C314.2 | Differentiate between the Micro and Macro Economic Concepts, and Importance of National Income, Inflation, Money Supply in Inflation, Business Cycle, | |
C314.3 | Discuss with the tools for analyzing Demand and costs as well as in forecasting product demand and to develop critical and integrative thinking in the Analysis of consumer behavior | |
C314.4 | Examine the fundamentals of managerial economics such as Market structures, production, price, and investment concepts | |
C314.5 | Understand the accounting language and to have a basic understanding of preparation of financial statement. | |
C314.6 | Solve the company profitability and financial position by suing financial tools and techniques and to explore opportunities for future merger and acquisition and expansion | |
Thermal Engineering-II | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C315.1 | Explain the working principle of a steam power plant with a schematic layout with the regeneration and reheating. Discuss the classification and working principles of boilers. | |
C315.2 | Discuss the stagnation properties, functions, types and applications of Nozzles and solve the related problems. | |
C315.3 | Classify the different types of steam turbines and sketch the velocity diagrams to find out the efficiencies. | |
C315.4 | Explain the mechanical details, principles of operation of a parson’s reaction turbine. | |
C315.5 | Describe the requirements of the steam condensers and derive the expressions for the vacuum and condenser efficiencies. Explain the working principles of simple gas turbines. | |
C315.6 | Discuss the principle of operation, classification of a Jet propulsion engine and rockets. | |
Operations Research | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C316.1 | Explain about the operation research models, linear programming formulations with simplex and two phase methods and solve the related problems. | |
C316.2 | Discuss the formulation, solve the transportation and assignment model problems | |
C316.3 | Describe the Job shop sequencing, two jobs through ‘m’ machines and solve the corresponding model problems. | |
C316.4 | Explain the concept of replacement of items that deteriorate with time, that fail completely along with the group replacement problems. | |
C316.5 | Demonstrate the concept of theory of games with and without saddle techniques. Introduce about the inventory and the stochastic models. |
| C316.6 | Explain the concept of waiting lines with Poisson arrivals and Exponential service times. Solve the problems related to the dynamic programming. |
Thermal Engineering Lab | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C317.1 | Demonstrate the working principle of IC engines and draw the Valve / Port Timing Diagrams. | |
C317.2 | Demonstrate the working principle of IC engines and perform the Performance Test for 4 Stroke and 2 stroke SI engines. | |
C317.3 | Explain the working principle and perform the Morse, Retardation, Motoring Tests. | |
C317.4 | Discuss the effect of Heat Balance – CI/SI Engines and study the Economical speed Test on a SI engine. Study the effect of A/F Ratio in a SI engine. | |
C317.5 | Demonstrate the working principle of compressors and carryout the Performance Test on Variable Compression Ratio Engine. | |
C317.6 | Demonstrate the working principle, IC engine Performance Test on a 4S CI Engine at constant speed. Find the | |
Metrology & Machine Tools Lab | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C318.1 | Explain the working principle of lathe and its attachments and prepare a work piece with step turning, taper turning, thread cutting and knurling operations by a using the central tool lathe. | |
C318.2 | Explain the working principle of drilling and boring tool. Prepare a work piece with machining of holes by using vertical drilling machine and extend the hole by using boring tool. | |
C318.3 | Explain the working principle of milling machine and produce a gear cutting on a blank work piece by using a horizontal milling machine and improve the surface finish of a work piece with cylinder and surface grinder machine tools. | |
C318.4 | Explain the working principle of Vernier calipers and micrometer. Use the Vernier calipers and micrometers to measure the length, height and diameter of a gear blank. | |
C318.5 | Explain the working principle and measure the diameter of bores by internal micrometers and dial bore indicators. Use the bevel protractor and sine bars to measure the angle and taper measurements. | |
C318.6 | Explain the working principle and measure the dimensions of the threads with 2-wire and 3-wire methods. Use of talysurf to measure the surface roughness. | |
Kinematics & Dynamics Lab | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C319.1 | Demonstrate and analyze static and dynamic balancing of forces and estimate the primary and secondary forces. Determine the frequency of torsional vibration of a rod. | |
C319.2 | Determine the effect of varying mass on the centre of sleeve in porter and Propel governor and find the motion of the follower if the given profile of the cam. | |
C319.3 | Determine the critical speed of a given shaft for different n-conditions. Find the balance masses statically and dynamically for single rotating mass systems. | |
C319.4 | Determine the time period and natural frequency for a simple pendulum and compound pendulum. |
| C319.5 | Determine the effect of gyroscope for different motions. |
C319.6 | Determine time period, amplitude and frequency of undamped free longitudinal vibration of single degree spring mass systems. | |
Design of Machine Members-II | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C321.1 | Discuss the journal bearing design with different empirical relations and solve the problems of bearing design. | |
C321.2 | Design the life of rolling element bearings and their selection for given service conditions and solve the problems of equivalent radial load. | |
C321.3 | Design and Solve the problems of a engine part such as connecting rod end and evaluate the stress related to whipping. | |
C321.4 | Examine the forces acting on piston and its discuss its construction details. | |
C321.5 | Design and investigate the force analysis of mechanical springs and discuss the concept of pulleys, belt and rope drives | |
C321.6 | Design the construction procedure of Spur gears, Helical gears and bevel gears and solve the related problems. | |
Heat Transfer | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C322.1 | Discuss the basic modes and mechanisms of heat transfer and study briefly about the one dimensional steady state heat transfer with related problems. | |
C322.2 | Describe the one dimensional and transient steady state heat transfer with different boundary conditions and solve the related problems. | |
C322.3 | Explain the concepts of convective heat transfer with different conditions of flow. Discuss briefly about the concepts of Continuity, Momentum and Energy Equations with problems. | |
C322.4 | Discuss briefly about the forced convections with hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer conditions with use of empirical correlations. | |
C322.5 | Explain the Concepts about Hydrodynamic and Thermal Entry Lengths and solve the problems of heat exchangers using LMTD and NTU methods | |
C322.6 | Discuss briefly about the heat transfer with phase changes such as boiling and condensation. Explain the concept of black body radiation with the laws of Planck, Wien, Kirchhoff, Lambert, Stefan and Boltzmann | |
CAD & CAM | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C323.1 | Explain the fundamental concepts of CAD/CAM with database and structures. Discuss the concepts of geometric modeling with parametric and non-parametric representation of curves and Curve fitting techniques | |
C323.2 | Discuss the surface and solid modeling methods for the Subdividing, Cylindrical surface, Ruled surface and Surface of revolution. | |
C323.3 | Describe the basics of numerical control in production systems and explain the fundamental codes for the NC programming. |
| C323.4 | Execute the computer assisted part programming for CNC, DNC and Adaptive control systems. |
C323.5 | Discuss the fundamental concepts in group technology such as Part families, Parts classification and coding etc. Introduce the basics of Computer aided process planning and Computer aided manufacturing resource planning. | |
C323.6 | Explain the FMS concept with layouts and mention their benefits. Discuss the basics of computer aided quality control and CIM system with benefits. | |
Professional Elective – I (PPC) | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C324.1 | Define the objectives, functions, organizations and types of production planning and control and forecast the qualitative and quantitative techniques. | |
C324.2 | Describe the functions of inventories and its control systems, ABC analysis, EOQ model. Study the different aggregate planning strategies. | |
C324.3 | Explain the methods of line balancing, RPW method, Largest Candidate method and Heuristic method. | |
C324.4 | Discuss the routing procedure and factors that affecting the routing procedure and sheet. | |
C324.5 | Explain the process of scheduling policies and its types. Study, the different techniques of job scheduling and line of balancing. | |
C324.6 | Discuss the procedure of dispatching and its various forms. Define the expediting procedures and its applications of computers in planning and control. | |
Open Elective – I (FOME) | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C325.1 | Demonstrate the applicability of the concept of management to understand the behavior of people in the organization. | |
C325.2 | Execute the organization structure &explains the human resource management for the performance of people in the organization. | |
C325.3 | Designs the principles and types of plant lay out for the production process | |
C325.4 | Solves quality management using various inventory techniques, for proper utilization of resources in organization. | |
C325.5 | Executes various marketing strategies to face competitive market for organization. | |
C325.6 | Appraise various project management and program evaluation for better production methods in organization. | |
Finite Element Methods | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C326.1 | Explain the general procedure of finite element method, stress-strain relations, assembly of global stiffness matrices, shape functions and treat of boundary conditions and solve the related problems. |
| C326.2 | Analyze the stiffness matrix for the case of plane truss and beam problems. Determine the stresses for these trusses and beams. |
C326.3 | Solve the problems of two dimensional stress analyses with the CST elements and estimate the load vector. | |
C326.4 | Solve the FEM problems with Axi-symmetric solids subjected to Axi-symmetric loading with triangular elements. Solve the numerical integration problems. | |
C326.5 | Formulate the finite element analysis model for the steady state heat transfer analysis for the cases of slab, fin and thin plate. | |
C326.6 | Develop the formulation of Eigen values and Eigen vectors for a stepped bar, beam and a truss element. Use the techniques such as semi-automatic and fully Automatic such as ANSYS, ABAQUS, NASTRAN using Hexahedral and Tetrahedral Elements. | |
Heat Transfer Lab | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C327.1 | Demonstrate Overall heat transfer co-efficient and determine for the composite slab apparatus. Find the heat transfer co-efficient for through lagged pipe, through a Concentric Sphere. | |
C327.2 | Demonstrate thermal Conductivity of given metal rod and find the heat transfer coefficient in pin-fin, Transient Heat Conduction. | |
C327.3 | Explain and estimate heat transfer coefficients in forced convection, free convection, condensation and correlate with theoretical values, | |
C327.4 | Demonstrate Parallel and counter flow heat exchanger and find Emissivity with apparatus. | |
C327.5 | Demonstrate Stefan Boltzmann Apparatus and Critical Heat flux apparatus. | |
C327.6 | Demonstrate heat pipe and conduct experiment over it. Carryout an experiment with Film and Drop wise condensation apparatus. | |
CAD & CAM Lab | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C328.1 | Explain the concept of dimensioning and tolerances in part drawings and draw the 3D part modeling of surfaces and assembly drawings. | |
C328.2 | Determine the deflection and stresses in 2D and 3D trusses and beams. | |
C328.3 | Determine the deflections, principal and Von-mises stresses in plane stress, plane strain and Axisymmetric components. Determine of stresses in 3D and shell structures. | |
C328.4 | Explain the process of evaluate the natural frequencies and mode shapes, Harmonic response of 2D beam. | |
C328.5 | Explain and Study of various post processors used in NC Machines and Develop the NC code for free form and sculptured surfaces using CAM software. |
| C328.6 | Explain the working and perform the machining of simple components on NC lathe and Mill by transferring NC Code / from CAM software. |
Advanced Communication Skills lab | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C329.1 | Explain to use relevant vocabulary, using apt kinesics or body language in communication | |
C329.2 | Define the meaning of the text easily through comprehension techniques like, skimming, scanning and effective reading through proper vocabulary | |
C329.3 | Distinguish the writing skills through letters, reports and resume writing from the text and use for all professional settings | |
C329.4 | Identify ideas, information and organize them relevantly in making presentations | |
C329.5 | Argue to organize and deliver discussions, presentations and strategies to face effectively | |
C329.6 | Demonstrate public speaking, group discussions and Interviews | |
REFRIGERATI ON & AIR CONDITIONIN G | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C411.1 | Identify the fundamental principles, necessity and applications of refrigeration and air conditioning system, Discuss the various type of ideal cycle of refrigeration | |
C411.2 | Explain the working principle, essential parts of vapor compression refrigeration plant. Discuss the various cycle analysis and its effects. | |
C411.3 | Classify the components of compressor system, Describe the working principal, comparison, advantage and disadvantage of condenser, Evaporators, Expansion devices and Refrigerants | |
C411.4 | Discuss the various Vapor Absorption System, working principles, basic components and salient features | |
C411.5 | Discuss the Psychometric Properties & Processes, Identify the Concept of human comfort and effective temperature, air Conditioning systems and its useful equipments | |
C411.6 | Differentiate between different types of refrigeration systems with respect to application as well as conventional and unconventional refrigeration systems, | |
ADDITIVE MANUFACTUR ING | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C412.1 | Discuss the historical development and applications of Rapid prototyping related to the automation industries. | |
C412.2 | State the different rapid prototype systems and explain the working principle of several liquid based rapid prototype systems along with the industrial applications. | |
C412.3 | Explain the models, specifications and working principles of selective laser printing and three dimensional printing. | |
C412.4 | Identify the direct and indirect rapid tooling systems and also study the working principles of powder based rapid prototypes. | |
C412.5 | Explain briefly about the different data type formats for the building and validation of rapid prototype systems. |
| C412.6 | Discuss briefly about the various applications of these rapid prototype technologies in conjunction to the relevant fields such as mechanical, Bio-medical, Aerospace, electronics etc. |
RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C413.1 | Discuss the developments in renewable energy sources and its types. | |
C413.2 | Explain the theory of solar energy generation and its working principle along with its devices and discuss its storage and applications. | |
C413.3 | Describe the working and construction into wind energy turbine and its type’s characteristics and its applications. | |
C413.4 | Design wind mill component economics and demand side management with safety and environmental aspects in wind energy potential and its installation in India | |
C413.5 | Design the constructional features of biogas plant and its biomass gasification and its types. | |
C413.6 | Discuss the ocean wave energy and tidal energy with its scope and development to design a small hydro power plant. | |
FLUID POWER SYSTEM | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C414.1 | Identify the hydraulic and pneumatic structure, advantage and limitation, | |
C414.2 | Explain the basic application, construction and performance of hydraulic motor and pump. | |
C414.3 | Discuss the various type of actuators, level system and control system | |
C414.4 | Explain the various type of valves, nonlinearities in control system, circuits | |
C414.5 | Understand the concepts of seals, filters and accumulators used in fluid system, | |
C414.6 | Recognize and uses the different controls in pneumatics. | |
ENGINEERING MATERIALS | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C415.1 | Define and Classification of Composite materials based on structure, matrix, Advantages, Applications. | |
C415.2 | Classify the types of reinforcements, composition and their properties. | |
C415.3 | Identify the selection of Polymeric and ceramic matrix composites as per their structure, properties, application, and toughness. | |
C415.4 | Describe the various type of state fabrication techniques, bonding and interference of composite material | |
C415.5 | Apply constitutive equations of composite materials and understand mechanical behavior at micro, macro and meso level | |
C415.6 | Understand the mechanical behavior of composites due to variation in temperature and moisture. | |
INDUSTRIAL ORIENTED MINI PROJECT | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C416.1 | Identify and demonstrate the working of various microwave components. | |
C416.2 | Demonstrate the characteristics of directional couplers. | |
C416.3 | Analyse the microwave measurement procedures | |
C416.4 | Analyse the characteristics of optical sources by conducting experiments and measuring various parameters | |
C416.5 | Design and analyze an optical fiber communication link |
| C416.6 | Demonstrate the losses of optical fiber links |
SEMINAR | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C417.1 | Demonstrate the knowledge and skills of a professional engineer to make a seminar | |
C417.2 | Identify latest information related to the seminar from various sources to analyse the seminar. | |
C417.3 | Apply knowledge and demonstrate to manage seminar in multidisciplinary areas and create an abstract for given seminar by identifying the requirements. | |
C417.4 | Design the necessary module of the selected seminar as per specifications. | |
C417.5 | Create a good report of the seminar as per the guidelines and present to the panel of expert | |
C417.6 | Demonstrate the seminar with the help of Presentation. | |
PROJECT STAGE – I | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C418.1 | Demonstrate the knowledge and skills of a professional engineer to make a seminar | |
C418.2 | Identify latest information related to the seminar from various sources to analyse the seminar. | |
C418.3 | Apply knowledge and demonstrate to manage seminar in multidisciplinary areas and create an abstract for given seminar by identifying the requirements. | |
C418.4 | Design the necessary module of the selected seminar as per specifications. | |
C418.5 | Create a good report of the seminar as per the guidelines and present to the panel of expert | |
C418.6 | Demonstrate the seminar with the help of Presentation. | |
INDUSTRIAL ROBOTICS | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C421.1 | Identify familiarize the students with the concepts and techniques in robotic engineering | |
C421.2 | Explain the manipulator kinematics, dynamics and control, chose, and incorporate robotic technology in engineering systems | |
C421.3 | Describe the acquainted with the theoretical aspects of Robotics | |
C421.4 | State of Trajectory planning and avoidance of obstacles and straight line motion. | |
C421.5 | Explain the different types of Actuators: Pneumatic, Hydraulic actuators, electric & stepper motors and Force and Torque sensors | |
C421.6 | Explain Material handling, loading and unloading Assembly and Inspection | |
INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT | At the end of the course the students are able to: | |
C422.1 | Demonstrate the applicability of the concept of management to understand the behavior of people in the organization. | |
| Execute the organization structure &explains the human resource management for the performance of people in the organization. | |
C422.3 | Designs the principles and types of plant lay out for the production process | |
C422.4 | Solves quality management using various inventory techniques, for proper utilization of resources in organization. | |
C422.5 | Executes various marketing strategies to face competitive market for organization. |
| C422.6 | Appraise various project management and program evaluation for better production methods in organization. | |||
SOLID FUEL TECHNOLOGY | At the end of the course the students are able to: | ||||
C423.1 | Demonstrate the applicability of the concept of organizational behavior to understand the behavior of people in the organization. | ||||
C423.2 | Demonstrate the applicability of analyzing the complexities associated with management of individual behavior in the organization. | ||||
C423.3 | Discuss the complexities associated with management of the group behavior in the organization. | ||||
C423.4 | Discuss how the organizational behavior can integrate in understanding the motivation behind behavior of people in the organization. | ||||
C423.5 | Define the applicability of analyzing the complexities of team work in understanding the behavior of people in the organization. | ||||
C423.6 | Discuss the applicability of leadership styles in organization based on the behavior of people in the organization. | ||||
PROJECT STAGE -II | At the end of the course the students are able to: | ||||
C424.1 | Demonstrate the knowledge and skills of a professional engineer to make a project and identify latest information related to the project from various sources to analyse the project. | ||||
C424.2 | Apply knowledge and demonstrate to manage project in multidisciplinary areas and develop a team for carrying the project and perform documentation effectively. | ||||
C424.3 | Create abstract for given project by identifying the requirements and prospective Solution and design the necessary module of the selected project as per specifications. | ||||
C424.4 | Analyse the results of the designed module or circuit and develop a prototype/model of the project by distribution of tasks among the team. | ||||
C424.5 | Create a good report of the project as per the guidelines and present to the panel of experts. | ||||
C424.6 | Demonstrate the project working with the help of Presentation. | ||||
| Program Outcomes of Department of MECH | ||||
P01 | To apply the knowledge of Mathematics, Science and Engineering concepts in solving Complex Engineering problems. | ||||
P02 | Identify, formulate and solve complex problems to achieve demonstrated conclusions using mathematical principles and engineering sciences. | ||||
PO3 | To design solution for complex engineering problems with appropriate consideration for society | ||||
PO4 | To use research –based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments to provide valid conclusions | ||||
PO5 | To select and apply appropriate techniques for the design & analysis of systems using modern CAD tools | ||||
PO6 | Apply the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety and cultural issues and endure the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice | ||||
| PO7 | To understand that the solutions have to be provided taking the environmental issues and sustainability into consideration. |
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| PO8 | Develop consciousness of professional, ethical and social responsibilities as experts in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
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| PO9 | To function effectively either as a member or a leader in a multi disciplinary activities |
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| PO10 | To communicate effectively to both the peers and the others |
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| PO11 | To apply engineering & management principles in their own / team projects in multidisciplinary environment |
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| PO12 | To Realize the need for lifelong learning and engage them to adopt technological change |
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