Vision,Mission ,PEO’s
September 15, 2023 2024-04-29 14:08Vision,Mission ,PEO’s
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Department Vision
The department of Electronics & Communication Engineering to strive and create engineering technocrats for addressing the global challenges in relevant areas to cater the changing needs of society at National and International level.
Department Mission
- To ensure dissemination of knowledge through effective teaching and learning in Electronics Communication Engineering.
- To excel in research and development activities in emerging areas.
- To promote industry institute and institute linkage of sustainable development of academic, research, training, and placement activities.
- To establish center of excellence in trust areas to nurture the spirit of innovation and creativity among students to meet global needs.
To be well acquainted with fundamentals of Electronics & Communication Engineering for leading a successful career in industry or as an entrepreneur or pursuing higher education.
To produce graduates with communicative, leadership & organizational skills and to inculcate professional ethics and lifelong learning attitude.
To foster techno-commercial skills for innovative solutions in Electronics & Communication Engineering or related areas and addressing global societal needs.
To participate in life-long learning in the relevant domain for addressing global societal needs.